A Moneylove Milestone and The Price of Success


First, My Anniversary Celebration!

Friends, Readers, Prosperity Teachers, Seekers and Finders, welcome to my 100th post on this blog.  With every new essay I write, more ideas pop up and go in my notebook for future blogs, audios, and books. And I am so pleased and excited that so many people all over the world get some value, stimulation, and pleasure out of these sometimes random, and sometimes very specific thoughts. My intention has always been to share cutting edge ideas and inspiration in giving readers the most powerful and valuable prosperity strategies and concepts anyone is giving away free of charge anywhere.

A lot of you have demonstrated your satisfaction and positive results by also joining the Moneylove Club, usually after reading all the information about this subscription service at the top of this blog page. Each month, I try to do something slightly different on the audio. Sometimes it’s a prosperity dialogue with a mentor of mine, either an old friend and colleague like Jack Canfield, or someone I discover and am excited about sharing, like David Friedman or Kevin Delaney or Maria Nemeth. Sometimes it’s done with a strong dose of humor, like my July edition on The Smile of Success. Or musically, like my Songs For Success audio from June, which highlighted four songs that have motivated and inspired me, breaking down the lyrics and looking at exactly why they are capable of stimulating positive action in positive directions. And I’m as pleased and proud about the 18 brand new monthly audios I’ve created as I am about the 100 blog posts. I haven’t yet reached the audience I attracted with the two million sales of Moneylove, but my readers and listeners are often greatly superior in terms of their intention and ability to put these materials into personal practice.

Let’s Discuss The Price of Success

Let me put it in the form of a direct question:  What are you willing to pay to immediately start on a guaranteed path to more personal success in every area of your life? These blog posts may eventually form the basis for a book or even a CD, and at that time, those who are now getting it all free, will be paying the going rate, perhaps $30 for the book, perhaps $97 for the CD. If you are able to use this information now, it is already worth more than that to you. But this is not the reason I will be putting a price on it, that will be because it will then involve aggressive marketing and that can get expensive as I’m sure you know.

The Moneylove Club membership is $47 per month for a 30 to 45 minute audio, plus bonus audios throughout the year. The audio is designed to be listened to over and over and over again, and a number of members say this is its greatest value. If someone is ready to make some positive prosperity changes in their life, and the Moneylove Club audio helps stimulate that process, then it is a huge bargain. I find that people who are ready, willing, and able to use the material in their lives, can often double their income. Even if they only increased it by 10% to 20%, $47 a month would be very inexpensive. And if someone is not ready, and gets the membership just to put the audios into a file somewhere in their hard drive, then it is not worth it at all. You see, being happy about the price of something has little or nothing to do with its perceived value, and everything to do with the client or customer’s ability to use it well.

One friend of mine charges $750 for a weekend workshop. That’s a pretty fair chunk of money, and people might balk at paying it. But if you knew that taking that workshop would dramatically improve your life, wouldn’t $750 be cheap? Wouldn’t even $1500 or $3000 be cheap? What if you knew there was a very strong likelihood that your relationships would improve, your creative energy would flow more freely, your health and vitality would energize you in new ways, and you would be able to have all the  money you could possibly want doing work you really loved and felt was in complete alignment with your life’s purpose? How much would you pay for all that? And here’s a provocative question to consider:  If you paid $3000 for a workshop that would do all that, or an audio series, or some coaching sessions, would you be more likely to use what you are being taught than if you got it for nothing?

Sometimes when you put a high price on something of value, a price much higher than it costs you to produce, you may be doing the customer a big favor. For one thing, those who have to seriously consider making this investment will be putting more intention and energy into taking it in and putting it to use in practical ways. Also, people who just grab onto every self-help, motivational, inspirational course or program offered, but never put any of them to purposeful use, will be less likely to spend an amount they have to actually give serious thought to investing.

I’ve told the story a few times of the period in my life when I absolutely was tired of doing personal coaching and consultation. Book royalties and occasional seminars and lectures were more than paying my living and traveling expenses, so I preferred not using my time this way. But I still was sometimes approached by fans of Moneylove with a request for a personal session. I would tell them that my fee was $1000 an hour. And when people didn’t seem to be upset by that figure, I raised it to $2000 an hour. I expected and hoped they would run away when I named these high prices for an hour of my time. But I also felt some pride that I could command such high fees, and when I worked with these clients, I focused on giving them more than their money’s worth. Most of them had dramatic results in a very short amount of time, often doubling or tripling their income in a few months. And I am convinced that it wasn’t so much that I gave them $2000 worth of coaching, when in the past I was quite pleased to get $200. No, I feel those results were almost completely the result of their intention to get their $2000 worth.

And thus, it’s sort of prosperity paradox. Part of me loves giving things away, offering people great bargains, sending out very special bonus audios to audio club members. But another part knows I might be doing a greater service by charging more. How would you respond to this post, what ideas or actions would it trigger in your life, if you were paying $1000 a year for a subscription to the MoneyloveBlog? No, I’m not planning to start charging. Though if you wanted to send me $1000, I would be willing to receive it. Yes, I might feel a bit uncomfortable doing so–but I am very good at handling a bit of discomfort–and I might even get to write another post about how I do that.



About the Author Jerry

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