Relinquishing Can Often Be Better Than Acquiring This prosperity post is about becoming aware of what you might be attached to that doesn’t serve you well. I call this the Four Ps of Negative Accumulation: PEOPLE; POSSESSIONS; PLACES; PERCEPTIONS. For some people these attachments leak into the realm of addiction. My late friend and mentor, […]
Read MoreWe’ve All Been There In this case, I mean “there” to signify that place of personal power and the ability to manifest, in “the zone,” where everything seems to be coming our way. We’ve all been there because we all have the power of manifestation built into our DNA. Achieving prosperity and fulfilling our aspirations […]
Read MoreThere is Always Some Trepidation When Tackling the Unknown My latest experience of this was this past Saturday night at a very distinguished gathering sponsored by the Canada Plus expat organization to celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving. Lourdes and David Young, friends who run this popular group, had invited me to perform a short stand-up comedy set. This […]
Read MoreIt is with great sadness that we announce today that Jerry has passed away. Those words are so very hard to write. Jerry was a mentor to millions of people around the world and we are all left with very heavy hearts. Although he is no longer here in body, he will always remain in […]
Read MoreGratitude Is Bigger Than Ever In bygone years not really so long ago, gratitude wasn’t talked about as a major component of success as it is nowadays by coaches and prosperity teachers–professions that didn’t even exist then. And it was in the 1980s that I was first introduced to the idea of going around the […]
Read MoreBuilding a Prosperity Supportive Interpersonal Environment Online You may know that for four years, there was an exclusive Moneylove Club in operation. It was actually an audio membership club and each month I created a brand new prosperity audio for the members. They paid $27 per month to be a part of the introduction of […]
Read MoreThe Ability to Be Happily Alone is the Ultimate Attribute of Personal Power I myself have gone back and forth between a life of gregarious social interaction and quiet solitude, and have enjoyed each in its own way. This has ranged from living in a commune to solitary confinement at Folsom State Prison for a year. […]
Read MoreAlways Ask For More Than Enough The basic definition of “surplus” is “excess,” “more that what is needed or required.” Now, I realize there has been a movement in recent years to focus on creating only enough money in one’s life to meet one’s immediate and basic needs and desires. But I suggest this is […]
Read More“I’m Busy” Doesn’t Really Describe a Positive Experience The words we choose to put out there have a significant impact on the way others perceive us, and on the way we perceive ourselves. To tell someone you are busy doesn’t really convey much information. “Too busy” or “crazy busy” are even worse. They suggest someone is […]
Read MoreWisdom From a Senior Citizen–Me! I just did a Periscope video on Compliments and the power other people’s praise has to let us know what skills, talents, and gifts we might possess that we haven’t fully explored and exploited yet. One of the compliments I’ve received in recent years is that I am one of the […]
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