Jerry Gillies has passed away…


It is with great sadness that we announce today that Jerry has passed away.

Those words are so very hard to write. Jerry was a mentor to millions of people around the world and we are all left with very heavy hearts.

Although he is no longer here in body, he will always remain in the hearts & souls of the people whose lives he’s touched over his 75 years on this earth.

Jerry believed that none of us could ever really leave this earth. In body, yes, but the memories others hold of us would live on. He didn’t fear death but rather stayed focused on his purpose and to leave his thumbprint on the world. He wanted for every person in the world to live a happy, healthy, prosperous life, whatever that meant for each individual.

The fairly recent group, MoneyLove Club, was created for that reason. His vision was to bring together friends & followers of the MoneyLove community, to meet each other and help each other achieve their highest versions of themselves, no matter what their social status, country of origin, gender, race, religion, color, or age was. “Everybody has something to offer to someone, somewhere, always” he would say.

His friendship, love, support & generosity will forever be one in which we will cherish forever.

Please feel free to share your memories of Jerry and MoneyLove on his Facebook Page Click here to get to the MoneyLove Official Page

The MoneyLove/Jerry Gillies Family


About the Author Jerry

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