New “Needs” News


My First Book My Needs, Your Needs, Our Needs Is Still Alive (Though Out Of Print)

I sometimes feel like I’ve come full circle. Back in the 1970s, my first workshops were about relationship communication, and this was also the subject of my first book, My Needs, Your Needs, Our Needs, published by Doubleday in 1974. It’s probably been out-of-print for over 25 years, though Amazon still lists used copies.

my needs cover

Though not a bestseller, it certainly had its fans and followers. Wayne Dyer used it in his class teaching marriage counseling at St. John’s University and said my Tell Me This exercise in that book was the single most powerful tool he ever discovered for helping couples communicate more effectively.  It was a list of 100 questions relationship partners were to ask each other, such as, “Tell me the funniest thing that ever happened to you as a child.” Almost always partners found out things they never knew.

These 100 questions illustrated the power of asking the right questions for me, and directly led to my annual list of awareness questions, now available as the 2015 MoneyLove Questionnaire.

From time to time, a marriage counselor or family therapist or relationship coach will write to me and tell me they just discovered the book and are using many of its exercises with their patients and clients.

In the chapter on serendipity in MoneyLove 3.0, I tell how talk show legend, Sally Jessy Raphael, got her copy just as her own marriage was facing difficulty and exclaimed many times, “It saved my marriage!” So much so that she often wanted to talk about that first book when I would appear on her shows to promote later books.

I was reminded again of how timeless the early book is, and the Sally Jessy experience, when Tammi Baliszewski, PhD, author of Manifesting Love From the Inside Out, and Manifesting Prosperity From the Inside Out,  told me she had bought a used copy from Amazon and wanted to talk to me about it on her weekly online radio show on Empower Radio. We scheduled two shows, the first on My Needs, Your Needs, Our Needs and the second on Moneylove 3.0, though there was also a lot of dialogue about prosperity, especially in relationships, on the first show that aired this past Thursday and is still available on the website.

(Click On The Photo Below To Listen to Interview)

Tammi Baliszewski Journey Center

The MoneyLove Team is busily promoting and marketing MoneyLove 3.0, but in the not-too-distant future, we intend to release a new digital PDF edition of My Needs, Your Needs, Our Needs and make it available on this site. 

I am looking forward to transcending the generations by having two books available at the same time and place that were written forty years apart.



About the Author Jerry

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