Your Button From Hell


The Power of Your Brain For Good Or Bad

For over thirty years now, I have been talking about and teaching about the incomparable power of the human brain.  Controlling and Focusing this power is the primary means to any positive result in one’s life.

It isn’t just about feeding positive thoughts and messages into your subconscious mind. Equally important is your ability and willingness to shut down what I call “Your button from Hell.”  This is the Replay button we all have inside our heads.

Now this can be a good and powerful ally in our forward movement through life, as we replay all our good experiences, and positive growth, and spiritual awareness.  BUT, what many people tend to do is use this inner button to replay almost every negative event in their lives.

Think about the last bad event that happened in your life. In reality, it probably lasted for a very short amount of time–except that you kept replaying it over and over again in your mind.  We all do this at times, and what determines how successful and prosperous and happy-and even healthy-we are, is how well we have learned to take charge of that replay button.

As an example, I recently was turned down when I asked a good friend to do me a big favor. We’ve done many favors for each other over the years, so I was surprised and even a bit shocked when I got a negative response. In my head, I replayed that big fat “No!” over and over again for about an hour. And then I realized that the disappointment didn’t have to last that long and was certainly getting in the way of me coming up with an alternative solution to my challenge.  So I decided to replay instead a very positive experience I had had with this same friend about three years ago.

Even though I knew this was a contrived inner experience I was giving myself, designed to shut out the negative one that had just happened, it worked.

Almost every upset or worry or frustration or anger event we experience only has a major impact on our lives when we give it a longer life than it deserves by hitting that replay button.



About the Author Jerry

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